Monday, August 26, 2013

Nature Walks and Farmer's Markets

After summer classes were finished, I took out my hiking boots and joined my friend at her local arboretum, ready to stretch my stiffened back and work my slow legs. 
The day was gorgeous and the park was buzzing with activity: bees collecting their pollen, birds soaring and calling, and mushrooms straining towards the sunlight. 
 Look at those gorgeous clouds!

 Most beautifully colored peppers I've ever seen and recipes that involved produce the market supplied. 

 Summer=tomato season

Make sure to support local farmers and growers in your area at the Farmer's Market! Amazing produce and the friendliest people are a wonderful complement to the already amazing weather. 

1 comment :

  1. Super photos. Loved the lichens and various fungi--especialyllyth eorange ones!
