Friday, January 17, 2014

Mexican Hot Chocolate

Another recipe post about chocolate! This here is Chef Sophia Garcia's recipe for delicious steaming mexican hot chocolate. 
Secret ingredient? Corn flour is added to make the drink extra creamy mmm 
So go grab a big pot and pour in your milk and heat it so it starts steaming, no need to boil. 

Open up your Abuelita Chocolates and chop them up.

 Throw them into the hot milk and stir.
Take a whif and bask in the glorious chocolate mixture. Whisk in the corn flour until it reaches a creamy consistency. 

Crack open some sweet treats too, while you're at it! Here are some flaky almond croissants, apple turnovers, and pie. 

Keep the munchkins away!
This recipe will surely produce smiling faces...but too much sugar can make some interesting situations.

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