Friday, July 5, 2013

Happy Birthday America and May!

May loves gardening, in addition to my food!

Happy 4th everyone! 

Hope your holiday was filled with wonderful food and beautiful fireworks.
In addition to a July 4th party, my family had a little birthday party for my mom, May. 
Lucky for her, the entire country celebrates with her!
Before the party, I decided to make a little something for her before the craziness of party prep began. 
I adapted a recipe from Chocolate Covered Katie as moms are always happy to be eating guilt free desserts. 

I attempted the banana bread recipe and instead of baking it in a bread loaf, I made them into little muffins! 

You need: 
2 cups of flour (can be made gf as well with spelt, arrowhead general mills gf, etc.)
1 tsp of baking soda 
1/2 tsp cinnamon
3/4 tsp baking powder (not baking soda, they're very different)
3/4 tsp salt
1/3 c soy milk
1 and 1/2 tsp pure vanilla extract
1/2 cup maple syrup
1 and 1/2 tbsp lemon juice
1 tbsp maple syrup 
1 and 2/3 c tightly-packed, mashed banana
1/3 cup berries or more banana to make the bread "gooier"

sad brown spotted wilting bananas are the best for banana bread!


needs a little more mashing...

nice and mashed!

mix the dry ingredients together in a large bowl before combining with the wet

Look at the color the vanilla and cinnamon add! 

I used some frozen berries to get rid of some of the food in the freezer and they worked beautifully.
Combine the dry and wet ingredients by hand and mix. 
Don't worry about clumps, you want them. 
Pop them into a muffin tin or bread pan and place them in the oven at 350 for 35 min. Place a toothpick in the thickest part and if it comes out clean, they should be ready. 

Even though these muffins are totally vegan, they still retained that melt in your mouth texture, without any guilt! 
Don't mind the wax!
Even my 12 year old brother loved them! 
My dad tried to sneak a bite in there too...

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