Monday, June 24, 2013

Grand Bazaar

camel family says hullo, come to Xinjiang!
Earlier this month, my family and I were exploring Xinjiang, a beautiful, unpolluted region in the northwestern part of China. Known for its deserts and mountains, it was a magical sight to behold after the smogged up skyline of Shanghai! 

Smoggy Shanghai 
Not only is Xinjiang known for its gorgeous landscape, but also known for its deliciously sweet fruits. Due to their long days (sun gets up at 8am and sets at 11pm), all of their fruits have a very high sugar content and are ridiculously juicy. 

Some fruits that are native to the area are mulberries that are the size of your thumb and these lovely little yellow plums. 

During our stay, we heard about the famous Grand Bazaar of Urumuqi city, where the ethnic minority groups of the region had the best dried raisins, dates, nuts, and other little trinkets! We made our way over to the bustling shops and got to tasting. 
one of the many shops lining the square

Dates, on dates, on dates!

pyramids of raisins, as far as the eye can see

almond anyone?

gelato machine!

mmm mango gelato

gorgeous architecture

being silly~
We left the Bazaar, bellies full of raisins and arms full of hats.

If anyone is thinking of visiting China, add Xinjiang onto your list of places to visit! It'll definitely be worth your while. 

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